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Savings Garden
a little of this and a little of that and a whole lot of savings.
Shopping Trip | 10/20/2008 |
Today's shopping highlights (good thru 10/21):
Tom Thumb (Safeway, Vons) is having a deal on Kellogg's Mini-wheats cereal (the flavored variety).
Click here for (6) printable $1 coupons. Coupons.com has taken their Kellogg's coupons down.
Buy 3 boxes of cereal @ $2.22 ea. = $6.66 plus tax (strawberry, blueberry, cinnamon, maple and brown sugar, or streusel)
Use (3) $1 Kellogg's MQs = $3.66 OOP ($1.22 ea.)
You will receive a $3 catalina coupon good on your next order
Next transaction:
Buy 3 boxes = $6.66
Use 3 coupons = $3.66
Pay with $3 coupon from 1st transaction = $.66 plus tax, $.22 a box!!
Earn another $3 catalina coupon good OYNO
Rinse and repeat until your coupons run out. You can print 6 coupons per computer.
Glade Scented Oil Warmer with fragrance is on sale for $4.79 earn $4 catalina good OYNO
Buy one @ $4.79
Use $4 off MQ, recent inserts
or Use BOGO free, recent inserts
Spend $.79 OOP and receive $4 catalina coupon
or Spend $4.79 and receive (2) $4 catalina coupons
= Moneymaker!
Rinse and repeat until your coupons run out.
Scrubbing Bubbles Aerosol Cleaner (2) for $3.49 BOGO sale
Use(2) of these $2 off coupons (if you didn't use them at Walgreen's already)
Final price, free plus possible overage
Next up, Kroger (Smith's, Ralph's, etc.)- Note: My store doubles and triples coupons. I did a couple transactions so all my coupons would double or triple.
(7) Softsoap Liquid hand soap $1
Used $.35/1, tripled, 9/28 SS = FREE (no overage, coupon adjusts down)
(5) Cap'n Crunch Cereal, sale $2/2 (I haven't had this in forever so this is a little guilty pleasure I could'nt pass up at this price)
Used $.50/1, doubled, 9/7 RP = $1 each
(8) Campbell's Healthy Request cream mushroom/chicken soup $10/10 (remember, you don't need to buy 10 to get the $1 price)
Used $.40/2, doubled, recent insert = $.60 each
(4) Nestle Fun Size bags of candy, sale $1.88 ea.
Used $.50/2, doubled, = $1.38 ea.
(2) Bags Baby peeled carrots, sale $10/10 = $1 each.
On to CVS (prices good thru 10/25)
(5) G.U.M. double toothbrush packs, $3.99 earn $3.99 ECBs = 10 toothbrushes Free
Used $.75/1 MQ = $.75 moneymaker on each pack.
(3) Johnson & Johnson Desitin tubes, $2.99 ea.
(6) Johnson & Johnson Head-to-toe baby wash, $2.99 ea.
Used (3) $3/3 MQ
$17.91 OOP earned $10 ECB = $.88 each
(1) Colgate Max Fresh with mouth wash beads, $2.99 earn $2 ECB
Used $1/1 CVS cash register tape coupon = Free
(2) Pumpkin Pails, $.99 earn $.99 ECB = FREE
(2) Bags candy corn, $1.29 earn $1.29 ECB = FREE
(2) Lite Sticks (for trick-or-treating), $.99 earn $.99 ECB = FREE
I split the order into three different transaction so I could one, use the ECBs from the Johnson's deal to pay for the some of the toothbrushes and two, so I wouldn't have a giant ECB for $19.95 print for the toothbrushes.
Now because I did seperate transactions using ECBs from one to pay for another, it gets kind of messy so with my best guess it breaks down like this:
ECBs spent - $36.76
ECBs earned - $38.49
Total spent on gift card - $7.22
Finally Walgreens:
Pert Plus Shampoo 13.5 oz, $3.49
Used, $1.50 MQ, recent insert and combined with $2.50 Walgreens instant value coupon
= $.50 overage! (Walgreens will apply overage to other items in your order so make sure you have enough to cover it, they won't give cash back and it will mess up your order if you are negative)
Rinse and repeat until your coupons run out.
Alka-Seltzer Plus cold medicine, $4.99 earned a $5 RR = Free
L'oreal advanced Anti-wrinkle moisturizer, $16.49 get free Revitalift Night cream moisturizer ($16.49) = both items worth $32.98 Free plus overage
Used $2 MQ, recent insert
I will send in for October rebate #47 L'oreal Revitalift up to $16.49 (I called customer service and they confirmed that even though rebate 45 - 48 do not show up on the online submission form, just enter in your receipt's RFN# and it will automatically give you credit for what you bought whether you are able to check of the item from the list or not).
They also confirmed that same info for rebate #45, Nivea for Men body wash, 16 oz.
rebate #46, Lypsil chap stick and #48 Chemistry hair product.
Total spent = $18.97 plus tax paid on gift card
Earned $5 register reward
Will get back $16.49 plus 10% when I submit for Oct. rebates.
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