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Savings Garden

a little of this and a little of that and a whole lot of savings.

Free Hunt's Tomato Sauce 10/20/2008

Click here to get $1/2 any Hunt's Tomato Product

Thru tomorrow the 21st at Albertson's, Hunt's tomato sauce is on sale 2/$1 or $.50 ea.
Use the coupons above to get 4 free cans of tomato sauce. I was able to get 8 cans (I had DH print me off two coupons from his work). I wish I would have noticed this earlier in the week, I was completely out of sauce and had to thin down some tomato paste for a soup I made.


Anonymous said...

Kari!!! I LOVE your blog! I was just thinking that you should teach a class on saving and here you are teaching away. Love it!

Savings Garden said...

Thanks Heather!!