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Savings Garden

a little of this and a little of that and a whole lot of savings.

CVS: Scenarios for 3/29 week 3/30/2009

If you are lucky enough to get the $X off $XX coupons (I have been in a drought with these coupons for months now), Sharhonda has put together some scenarios using these coupons!
See coupon matches here.

Scenario for $5/$30 CVS:
Accu Check $9.99
PAAS (2) $3.98
Scrubb bubbles (2) $5.98
SoftSoap (2) $7.98
Glade sense spray $5.99
Total $33.92

Coupons Used
-5/30 CVS Q=28.92
-5.50 scrubb bubb MQ=23.42
-2.00 soft soap (2) MQ =21.42
-4.00 glade MQ =17.42

Get 9.99 Ecb (accu check), Get 3.98 Ecb (Paas), Get 4.00 Ecb (Soft soap), Get 1.00 Ecb (glade)
Final Price = $17.42 and get back $18.97 in ECB’s

Scenario for $5/$25 CVS Q
Accu check $9.99
Paas (2) 3.98
Glade 5.99
Lysol (3) 7.50
Total 27.46

Coupons Used
-5/25 CVS Q = $22.46
-4.00 glade Q = $18.46
-(3) $.50/1 Lysol Q’s =16.96

Get $9.99 ECB (accu check), Get 3.98 ECB (paas), Get 1.00 ECB (glade)
Submit for the Lysol $3.00 rebate
Total $16.96 oop and get back $14.97 ECB and $3.00 Lysol Rebate = $17.97

You can also send in for the Softsoap rebate if you can find it. Look in your local grocery stores)


Keeping Tracking of the recent purchases. said...

Hi there,
I found your blog, while blogging mine saving on eblog.

Your blogs are so great!

Savings Garden said...

Thanks for your comment Keeping Track - It's nice to here!